
iTunes is a special programm created for using Apple devices. You can download this programm on official webpage: You can download free applications in Appstore which are situated in iTunes. Here you also buy applications. If you don't want to buy you can download and install jailbeak. When you have jailbreak you can download all applications!

If you want to download music to your device, you need to add all the desired music in one folder, go into iTunes and in the upper left corner click File and choose "Add Folder", then choose the folder where the music, and click OK . Itunes remake itself MP3 into a special format. After the operation, click on the link that shows the properties of your device and there in the top of the page you will see the Music tab. There must choose to synchronize and start recording your songs to the device Apple) In the next article I (Sergei) gonna write about downloading video files!)

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